Thursday 22 October 2020


President M. Buhari

Following detailed briefing by security chiefs on the current situation in the country, President Muhammadu Buhari will make a national broadcast Thursday, October 22, 2020, at 7 pm.

A statement issued by Femi Adesina, Special Adviser to the President (Media & Publicity) in Abuja, therefore, advised television, radio and other electronic media outlets to hook up to the network services of the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) and Radio Nigeria respectively for the broadcast.

Sunday 18 October 2020


Big Brother Naija finalist, Victoria “Vee” Adeyele is undoubtedly the highest earner of the just concluded BBNaija Season 5 reality TV show.

The singer and reality star in a recent post on her Instagram page shared pictures of her being awarded the sum of $833 worth of bitcoin by Patricia Bitcoin Trading Company.


$833 is the cash gift Vee won after the Patricia Bitcoin task with her group during their stay in the BBNaija house.

Sharing photos from the prize award ceremony on her Instagram page, she wrote: “Another day, another dollar 💵 #Vee #Veehive”


The Corporate Affairs Commission, CAC, has cancelled and withdrawn the certificate of registration of the National Youth Council of Nigeria, NYCN, over the registration of some over age individuals as members, Board of Trustees, BoT.

CAC in a document obtained by our correspondent, Sunday, noted that the trustees, Dickson Aheh Akoh, Oscar Davide Kalu, Shola Oladeji and others aged above 35 years of age were ineligible to continue to serve as trustees.

The authentic National Executive Council, NEC, was recently confirmed, as a High Court of Federal Capital Territory, in a judgment delivered by Justice O. A. Musa on 12th, August 2020 suit number FCT/HC/BW/CV/181/2020, declared Amb. Sukubo Sara-Igbe Sukubo as the duly elected President of the council.

CAC in a letter with reference number COM/SPM/2020/044 dated 9th October 2020 signed by Dr. Femi Ogunlade for the Registrar General addressed to the acclaimed Chairman, Board of Trustees titled “Re: Consent of the Board of Trustees to Northumbria Solicitors to File New Constitution of the National Youth Council of Nigeria With Corporate Affairs Commission,” revealed that it has cancelled and withdrawn the registration of the association on just and equitable ground.

The letter read in part: “The commission also notes that the composition of the membership of Council is in default of the National Youth Policy and the constitution of the Association which prescribe maximum of 35 years to be eligible for election into any office.

“By the above, the following trustees who are above 35 years of age and whose names appeared on the certificate of registration of the association issued on 3rd November 2017 are ineligible to continue to serve as trustees.

“Consequently, the commission has cancelled and withdrawn the certificate of registration of the association on just and equitable group.

“You are therefore enjoined to submit the original certificate of registration.”


PREAMBLE:  The END-SARS protest began with the  shooting of a young man in front of Wetland Hotel, Ughielli, Delta State on the 3rd of Ochtober 2020.  Then the protest commenced online with twitters providing the coordinating valve. On Thursday October 8, a nationwide mass protest commenced. Within the weekend of October 9-11 the message had been  tweeted  28 million times.

Its Development: Deriving from the odious perception of SARS by majority of the Nigerian people, particularly the youths, the protest, expectedly, assumed national spread. Its initial perspective was a biased anti-SARS position. Then, the  argument complex was a call for the abrogation of SARS.

Giving a dialectical dimension: As it is historically, in any social order seized in apparent contradictions, the struggle attracted a dialectical appraisal from a conscious layer of our youths. The  synthesis that evolved appreciated the indecorum of the SARS personnel. It, however, noted that focus on SARS is a reductionist fallacy. It appreciated our place in history as a country. it captured our need for a holistic perspective to our national question. It noted that all our institutions are appallingly perverted and begging for redemption. The synthesis thereto appreciated that only a total overhaul of the entire social order is desirable. To that effect, the integrals of engagement assumed a dimension in which END-SARS becomes an acronym.

END-SARS - an Ideological Dimension: 
The struggle which began on an emotional template, drawing from articulation of diverse perspectives from a beleaguered people assumed an ideological template conveyed in the dialectics of political economy. To that effect, END SARS is presently the acronym of a seven point demand defined as herein outlined:
E = Education and Economic Reforms
N = Nigeria Constitution Reform
D = Debt Accountability
S= Security Reform

A = Anti- People Policies Cancellation 
R = Restructuring 
S = Save Cost Of Governance

The demented response of a docile and mentally inert superstructure: While the policy body of the Nigerian political superstructure caught the initial battle cry of END-SARS and well understood the opprobrium that attend upon the activities of SARS, it was too mentally redundant to appreciate the ideological thrust when END-SARS became an acronym. To that effect, the sack of SARS and replacement with SWAT was its "heroic" response .  It lacked the mental and intellectual content to appreciate the displacement and incoherence that its solution conveyed.  It was a solution that did not intuit into the demand of the protesters. Equally, the youths could not honour the call for dialogue with the Inspector General of Police as their demand for political, social and economic reforms structurally and functionally does not acquaint with the terms of reference of an Inspector General of Police. 

The response capacity of a criminalized state: The slide of the Nigerian social order towards a revolutionary encounter is conveyed in the character of the state. Although Nigeria is rested upon abundant human and natural resources being classified as the 4th most endowed country in the world in human and natural resources, the innards of possessive individualism/accumulation, consumerism, nepotism among others, has engendered an appalling dimension in  corruption, mismanagement and profligacy. The rulers have relied on subterfuge, blackmail, and other forms of intrigue to control and command the social order. The rulers of the country underestimated the  connection and bounding that massive poverty and unemployment conveys. With a clear understanding of the implication of using the police to disperse the protesters, the Nigerian State has resorted to paying thugs to attack, maim or kill the protesters as a way of deterrence. Therefore, over 20 persons have been killed by suspected state hired thugs to deter very civil and non- violent protesters. 

Sophistication in methods against an illiterate oligarchy:  The protesters have elicited sophistication borrowing significantly from the Nonviolence perspective of Sir Henry Thoreau, Leo Tolstoy, Mohandas K. Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. They have, perhaps, been guided by the experiences of the Arab Spring which culminated in the Sudanese revolution. On method, the protest has elicited public approval and recon. The state is gradually being pushed into desperation. Against the better judgement of the state and its agencies,  the army is being prepared for a street engagement with protesters. To provide credence for this option,  the posters are deliberately being provoked to elicit violent resistance. Apart from using thugs to attack them towards achieving this, criminals are being sponsored for stealing and looting in the operational arena of the protesters to provide a basis for blackmailing the protest and protesters. 

Our options: As a mass based organ, I urge CONGOs and other civil society groups to strengthen the youths by giving intellectual direction to the struggle. The struggle must remain nonviolent to sustain its credibility and focus. The drift of the Nigerian state towards massive killing of protesters must also be curtailed by preemptive warnings to the government. The case of the Bastilles in 1789 France and Romania in 1994, must be emphasized to deter the Nigerian state and its provocative beneficiaries. Strengthening and broadening the demands of the protesting youths is critical to our relevance as Civil Society groups. 

Conclusion: Drawing from the historical justification of our existence, an urgent meeting of CONGOs is desired to provide the rudder for all stakeholders in Nigeria towards fostering minimum damage to our social order and maximum achievement pursuant to overhauling the Nigerian sociopolitical and economic  order holistically. In other words, the meeting is expected to articulate the necessary programme of action relevant to our current national challenge 

Aluta continua! Victoria Acerta!!. 

Daisy Abiola I
President CONGOs.


We recognize that this moment is the culmination of decades of dissatisfaction over the decay and corruption of our dear country, Nigeria.
We find the unhealthy haste to fashion a unit termed “SWAT” to be a misrepresentation of the 7 for7 demand. It is not enough.
This protest is beyond #EndSARS, #EndSWAT, #EndPoliceBrutality. This movement is for the soul of Nigeria. We are demanding a systemic overhaul of governance and institutional reforms as the barest minimum. We are better than what obtains presently; we demand progress.
We are not vain agitators. We are clear-eyed youths and professionals in our respective fields who are tired of the way and manner our dear country has been run aground by successive administrations. We cannot idly stand by whilst our future and that of our children are mortgaged.
Below is the updated 7-point demand that concerned citizens are asking from the government.

That the 7-point demand to release arrested protesters, compensate families of victims, investigate and prosecute all reports of misconduct, proscribe SARS and review the welfare of police be implemented immediately.

However, we believe the systemic rot in the police is widespread across Government institutions. Therefore, we urgently demand an immediate Institutional reform across all federal government institutions, agencies and parastatals, especially focused on national security.

Focus will be on improved welfare and terms of service for the police, military and all law enforcement agencies, provide body worn cameras for operation, refurbished housing, health, academic and pre- and post-retirement life insurance policy for the rank-and-file personnel.
Also reforms on adherence to the laws guiding discipline and prosecution of erring service men this should be aimed at extinguishing all notions of impunity.

We have watched over the years the waste associated with governing Nigeria. We have noted the duplication and unprofessionalism in the civil service and across all strata.
We demand an urgent budgetary framework with 50% capital expenditure and 50% recurrent expenditure in all appropriation bill.

We demand a drastic reduction in the cost of governance. We also demand that the national assembly, be first by streamlined into a unicameral legislative and be further stripped down to become a part time job.
The huge salaries and benefits accorded them by the Revenue Mobilization, Allocation and Fiscal Commission (RMAFC) should be reduced to the barest minimum.

There had been several constitutional reviews where youths were obviously absent. Whether by omission or commission or both, the time has come for an informed and progressive participation by the youths.

The Nigerian constitution as it exists presently does not serve all Nigerians. A more robust and engaged constitution designed and approved by all Nigerians will serve the nation.
We demand an urgent referendum within 90 days to begin the line-by-line review, reconstruction and upgrade of the extant constitution to be more functional for a 21st Century nation. The selection process for this referendum will have 50% young people under 60 nominated by their peers in a transparent, judicious and fair process.
We demand that credence be given to terms of citizenship over indigeneship and state of residence over state of origin.

• One in every five of the world's out-of-school children is a Nigerian child. About 13.2 million Nigerian children aged 5-14 years are not in school. The impact of this numbers will be felt for generations.

• We demand that a state of emergency is declared in the education sector and demand increase in the budgetary allocation to educational sector by 50% and to double again within the next 24 months. This funds will be used to drive the education sector to provide affordable quality education to all citizens.

• A certain percentage of this allocation should be devoted to granting scholarship to outstanding Nigerians without recourse to the tribe, religious or sex.

•  We demand a systemic overhaul in our curriculum and method of teaching to upgrade to a digital experience.

•  We demand that teachers should be incentivized to attract the best brains and should be standardized and professionalized.

• We demand that the parent of any child not in primary school will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

• We demand that there be an Annual independent external Audit of Fund allocation and project execution: from Government approval to disbursement across the ministry, which would further be used to publish at least an abridged Financial statement available digitally to ensure transparency.

• We demand that a state of emergency is declared in the health sector and demand increase in the budgetary allocation to health sector by 50%

• We demand mandatory health insurance for the vulnerable population in our society as NHIS is not doing enough to serve all Nigerians.

• We demand that adequate provision be put in place to protect the rights and privileges of physically challenged citizens in Nigeria.

• We demand urgent attention to mental health and a fund to set aside to create more professionals.

• We demand proper implementation of the National Health Act of 2014, including the Basic Health Care Provision Fund).

• We demand that there be an Annual independent external Audit of Fund allocation and project execution: from Government approval to disbursement across the ministry, which would further be used to publish at least an abridged financial statement available digitally to ensure transparency.

We have noted the giant strides made by Gen Z and Millennials across the globe. Many multi-billion corporations where founded by both generations. In Nigeria, it is extremely difficult for such to occur. The enabling environment viz-a-viz investors and lenders confidence, stable interest rate and manageable inflation are deficit in our dear nation.

• We demand that a state of emergency be declared in the ministry of Youths and Sports, Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of National Planning. We demand that this should be adequately funded, sports academy should be revamped.

• We demand the creation of the Youth development funds dedicated to growing the creative industries and agriculture.

• We demand that the Not-Too-Young to run bill should be expanded to include–50% inclusion of youth under 40 in every cabinet in government.

• We demand that the youth inclusion be monitored by the FCC as they currently monitor state inclusion and the NCDMB and other stakeholders partake in this action to protect our future.

• We demand code of conduct reforms for all elected public office holders to have themselves and their children use public schools and public hospitals ONLY. Violation of which is immediate impeachment and recall.
• We demand immediate removal of immunity clause from public office holders to make them answerable to investigations at all times when and where necessary.
• We demand immediate resignation of every public officer found guilty of any forms of crimes and corruption step aside during investigation also.
• Implementation of full digitization of the judicial process, prison decongestion reforms, with reforms drawn from past projects like the BBB Uwais Report, Keyamo’s ministerial screening address, strict time limits to determination of industries litigations, etc.

Saturday 10 October 2020


An American Catholic priest was arrested for allegedly filming himself having sex with two dominatrices on the altar at his Catholic church in Louisana, a report said Thursday.

The priest, identified as the Rev. Travis Clark, was busted after a passerby saw the lights on later than usual on Sept. 30 and peeked inside Saints Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church in Pearl River.

The unidentified witness saw the half-naked priest having sex with the two women, who were dressed in corsets and high-heeled boots. The altar was also adorned with stage lighting, several sex toys, and a cellphone mounted on a tripod that was recording the act.

The witness took video footage of the unholy trinity, then called police.

Cops arrested Clark, along with his two altar servers, 41-year-old Mindy Dixon and 23-year-old Melissa Cheng, and booked them on obscenity charges.

The women reportedly told cops they were at the church to film “roleplay” with the priest. Cops determined everything that went on that night was consensual, but arrested the trio on the obscenity charges because they were in view of the public. added that Dixon, who is also an adult film actress, had posted on social media a day prior that she was traveling to the New Orleans area to meet up with another dominatrix to “defile the house of God".

The archbishop of the New Orleans Archdiocese visited the church to perform a ritual that would restore the sanctity of the altar.

Clark, who was ordained in 2013, was suspended from the archdiocese after his arrest.

NY Post

Wednesday 7 October 2020


FG Asks Omitted N-Power Beneficiaries To Report To Focal Persons

Federal government has directed Batches  A and B Beneficiaries of the N-Power Programme who were earlier omitted from Payment of their stipends to report to their various State Focal Persons for verification and re-validation. 

The  directive was given by Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development Sadiya Umar Farouq in efforts to resolve unpaid stipends withheld due to discrepancies in records of the beneficiaries are almost being concluded.

Investigations conducted by the Office of the AGF following the omission of some 

N-Power beneficiaries from payment of stipends indicated that some beneficiaries were also  drawing salaries from other Federal Government MDAs.

However , the minister has directed that opportunity be given to the affected beneficiaries to verify and re-validate their eligibility so that qualified beneficiaries  can be paid for their participation in the N-Power Programme. 

Beneficiaries are thereby directed to report to their State Focal Persons  immediately with their bank account details including bank statements from March 2020 to date, NYSC Discharge Certificates ,  birth certificates and other related screening documents.

The deadline for verification is October 13, 2020. Beneficiaries who fail to attend the verification exercise will  forfeit their stipends .



In forex trading, there are a number of ways in which one can place an order to buy or sell. Quite often, as traders it can get a bit confusing at times. If you have been trading, regardless of the type of markets, you will come across what is called "a pending order" or "a market order". 

The reason why we have the different types of orders are because they allow you to precisely tell the broker on how your order needs to be filled. Stop orders and limit orders are one of the basic order types which are used to fill the trades. These are also known as pending orders.

In this training, we shall take a look at the difference between a limit and stop order and how these can be used in trading. We give examples on the differences between buy stop vs. buy limit and explain how it works. What is the difference between a limit order and a stop order? Do you know when to use these orders?

More importantly,

how is a buy stop different from a buy limit order?

But first, let's know what a market order (or market execution) means in forex trading. A "market order" (or market execution) is where you would simply buy at the best available price in the market. This is when you do not really care about a specific price in the market. Traders use market orders when they are closely watching the charts and know where to enter the market.


A limit order is defined as an order sent to your broker that identifies the maximum or minimum price at which your order can be executed for a buy or a sell position. Limit orders are usually placed above the currency price when price is falling or below the currency price when price is rising.

There are two types of limit orders, which are (i) Buy limit order (ii) Sell limit  order. Depending on whether you want to buy or sell, the orders can be called as buy limit order or a sell limit order as mentioned above.

The chart below describes the two types of limit orders.


A buy limit order is when price is moving higher, but you expect price to retrace lower before it reverses direction again. Thus, in other words, a buy limit order is placed below the price. This is seen in the next chart below.

Figure 2: Buy limit order example


Similar to the buy limit, a sell limit order is placed when price is falling, but you expect to see a retracement in price. A sell limit order is usually placed above the price. The next chart shows an example of a sell limit order.

Figure 3: Sell limit order example

What is a Stop order?

A stop order is a type of pending order that is executed only when price reaches a specific level. In other words, a stop order informs your broker to execute the trade when a certain price is reached. When the stop price is reached, it becomes a market order when the order has been filled.

Depending on the direction of the trade, you can place a buy stop, or a sell stop order.


A buy stop order is placed when you expect price to continuously move in one direction. A buy stop order is therefore placed above price. When you place a buy stop order, you expect that the price will continue to move past your buy stop order.

The next chart shows a placement of a buy stop order.

Figure 4: Buy stop order example


A sell stop order is placed when you expect price to fall and expect it to trigger your sell stop order and continue falling. A sell stop order is therefore, placed below the currency price. The basic premise is that when a sell stop order is triggered, you expect price to continue falling.

The next chart below shows an example of a sell stop order.


Figure 5: Sell stop order example

To summarize so far:

  • Limit order is placed at a maximum or minimum price at which a trader would like to buy or sell
    • A buy limit order is placed above the current price
    • A sell limit order is placed below the current price
  • Stop order is placed at the specific price where you want to buy or sell
    • A buy stop order is placed above the current price
    • A sell stop order is placed below the current price

Now that we know what a limit order and stop order is, let’s take a look at some key differences between these types of pending market orders.

Difference between buy limit vs buy stop

Buy limit order

Buy stop order

A buy limit order is placed when you expect price to briefly fall before reversing direction

A buy stop order is placed when you expect price to continuously move in the same direction (the upside)

When you place a buy limit order, your stop loss order will be a sell stop. This is the price where you tell the broker to stop your trade (at a loss)

When you place a buy stop order, a sell limit order is placed. This is the maximum price following which your trade is closed at a loss

When you set a buy limit order, the target price of take profit level becomes a sell limit order. This is the maximum profit you expect to take from your buy limit order

When set a buy stop order, your target price or take profit level becomes a sell limit order. This is the maximum price at which you can take profits on your buy stop order

A buy limit order is placed at a support level. You expect price to test a support level and bounce off the support

A buy stop order is placed at a resistance level when you know that the resistance level will break and give way to further rally in price



In this section, we describe an example of a buy stop order. Let’s assume that the EURUSD is trading at 1.1050. You expect price to move to the next resistance level at 1.1100. However, you want to see price close above 1.1050.

In this case, you can place a buy stop order at 1.1065, (15 pips above the market price) while set your sell limit order to 1.1100 (your target price). Your stops, which could be placed at 1.1000 becomes the sell stop order.


In a but limit order example, assume that the EURUSD is trading at 1.1050. You expect price to test the lower support at 1.1000 but expect to see a reversal in the direction. Using a buy limit order, you would enter the market at 1.1000 with a sell stop at 1.1100. Your stops would come in at 1.0085, which becomes your sell stop order.

Buy stop vs buy limit – Conclusion

In conclusion, we explained the different types of limit and stop orders that are widely used. In specific, we focused on the buy stop and the buy limit orders. These are the most common pending orders that are available.

Using the buy stop and a but limit order, you can set the price at which you want to buy the asset. It should be noted that when using pending orders, many brokers have a minimum pips from the market price at which you can set such pending orders.

Therefore, you should be careful in knowing these limits which can vary from one broker to another. A pending order such as buy limit and a buy stop are used almost every day. But they are very important. Having a good understanding about buy limit and buy stop orders is essential before you even start to build a trading strategy.

If by mistake you end up setting a buy stop instead of a buy limit order, then there is a good chance that your trade might actually be triggered at market.

While trading platforms such as MT4 shows you details on the pending orders such as the buy stop and buy limit, many advanced trading platforms expect you to know the difference between the stop and limit orders already.

Depending on factors such as the market volatility and the direction, you can now place the appropriate buy stop or buy limit orders with ease.

Sunday 4 October 2020


The Inspector-General of Police, Mohammed Adamu, has banned the personnel of the Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad (FSARS) and other Tactical Squads of the Force from embarking on routine patrols.

This IGP’s ban was contained in a statement issued on Sunday by the Force, Public Relations Officer, Frank Mba.

The statement said the IGP “banned the personnel of the Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad (FSARS) and other Tactical Squads of the Force including the Special Tactical Squad (STS), Intelligence Response Team (IRT), Anti-Cultism Squad and other Tactical Squads operating at the Federal, Zonal and Command levels, from carrying out routine patrols and other conventional low-risk duties – stop and search duties, checkpoints, mounting of roadblocks, traffic checks, etc – with immediate effect.”

The officers were warned against carrying out stop and search duties, checkpoints, mounting of roadblocks, traffic checks, etc with immediate effect.

According to the Force spokesman, the IGP warned the Tactical Squads against the invasion of the privacy of citizens particularly.

This, he said, included the “indiscriminate and unauthorized search of mobile phones, laptops and other smart devices,” adding that “they are to concentrate and respond only to cases of armed robbery, kidnapping and other violent crimes when the need arises.”

Mba said the “directives come against the backdrop of findings by the leadership of the Force that a few personnel of the Tactical Squads hide under these guises to perpetrate all forms of illegality, contrary to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), Code of Conduct and Rules of Engagement establishing the squads.”

Following the alleged brutality by security operatives in several parts of the country, many Nigerians took to the social media to express their anger over the activities of men of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad of the Nigerian police, calling for the unit to be proscribed.

On Saturday, the #EndSars hashtag was the number one trend on social media app, Twitter for several hours, bringing back to the fore calls for the proper handling of rogue, high-handed police officials.

The outrage appeared to have been triggered by a post from a Twitter user who said he recorded SARS officials shooting “a young boy dead at Ughelli, Delta state . .  . in front of Wetland hotels. They left him for dead on the roadside and drove away with the deceased Lexus jeep.”



The Inspector-General of Police, IGP M.A Adamu, NPM, mni has banned the personnel of the Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad (FSARS) and other Tactical Squads of the Force including the Special Tactical Squad (STS), Intelligence Response Team (IRT), Anti-Cultism Squad and other Tactical Squads operating at the Federal, Zonal and Command levels, from carrying out routine patrols and other conventional low-risk duties – stop and search duties, checkpoints, mounting of roadblocks, traffic checks, etc – with immediate effect. In addition, no personnel of the Force is authorized to embark on patrols or tactical assignments in mufti. They must always appear in their police uniforms or approved tactical gear. The IGP’s directives come against the backdrop of findings by the leadership of the Force that a few personnel of the Tactical Squads hide under these guise to perpetrate all forms of illegality, contrary to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), Code of Conduct and Rules of Engagement establishing the squads.

Specifically, the IGP has warned  the Tactical Squads against the invasion of the privacy of citizens particularly through indiscriminate and unauthorized search of mobile phones, laptops and other smart devices. They are to concentrate and respond only to cases of armed robbery, kidnapping and other violent crimes when the need arises.

The IGP notes that the FSARS and other Police Tactical Squads remain a critical component of the Force in confronting prevailing and emerging violent crimes in the country. He however condemns every act of unprofessionalism, abuse of human rights and high-handedness by some personnel of the Squads. He has therefore ordered the X-Squad and the Monitoring Unit to embark on  immediate and massive nationwide monitoring of activities of Tactical Squads and other police officers on the road. They are to ensure prompt arrest, investigation and prosecution of all erring police officers who violate these directives and other extant regulations of the Force.

The IGP has equally warned, that henceforth, the Commissioner of Police in charge of FSARS, Commissioners of Police in charge of State Commands and the FCT as well as their supervisory Zonal Assistant Inspectors General of Police, will be held liable for any misconduct within their Area of Responsibility (AOR). He therefore charged them to ensure effective supervision and mentoring of the personnel of the Tactical Squads under their jurisdiction.

Meanwhile, two operatives of the FSARS and their civilian accomplice operating in Lagos State, INSPR Sale James, INSPR Monday Uchiola and Okechukwu Ogbonna, have been arrested by the Lagos State Police Command, for acts of professional misconduct including extortion and intimidation of innocent citizens. The operational vehicle of the men has also been impounded and disciplinary procedure has already commenced against the defaulters.

The IGP reaffirms his   commitment to bequeathing to Nigerians, a reformed Police Force that is accountable, responsible and ever ready to defend and uphold the rights of the citizens while discharging its duties of keeping the people safe and secure. He enjoins the citizens not to allow the misconduct by a few personnel of the Force to negatively impact on their belief, confidence and trust in the Police.





Tuesday 29 September 2020


Bakana, an ancient community in Kalabari Kingdom on Saturday, 16th August, 2020 went agog as King Odum Barboy Royal House installed HRH, Lawrence Odum Barboy IX as the new King of Bakana.

Bakana, an ancient community in Kalabari Kingdom on Saturday, 16th August, 2020 went agog as King Odum Barboy Royal House installed HRH, Lawrence Odum Barboy IX as the new King of Bakana.

Thousands of Bakana indigenes witnessed the installation of the new monarch.

During the installation, the new Amanyanabo performed the sacred traditional rites of Nama Pele (slaughtering of goat) and pouring  of drinks (libation) to the ancestors.

Speaking shortly after his installation, King Odum Barboy IX, the new paramount head of Bakana thanked the Royal Odum Barboy House for selecting him as the new King of Bakana community.

He expressed optimism that his ascension to the prestigious ancient kingship stool of King Odum Barboy will usher in the needed development in the community.

The new Bakana monarch stated that his selection was in order and in accordance with the custom and tradition of Kalabari Kingdom. King Odum Barboy IX maintained that as a young man he will initiate policies and programmes that will launch Bakana on the speedy lane of development.

He blasted some group of persons who according to the Bakana monarch are organizing illegal meetings at Akpajo, in Eleme Local Government Area of Rivers State to foment trouble in the community.

King Odum Barboy IX advised them to desist from such evil acts and declared that having performed the traditional rites (namapele), such rites cannot be done twice by anyone.

The newly installed monarch noted that it has already been decided by both judicial and customary authorities that with regard to the kingship stool toof Bakana, only the Odum Barboy Royal House has the right to elect, select, and install the Amanyanabo of Bakana after the demise of his predecessor, and not the Bakana Council of Chiefs nor any other entity in Bakana. Then after the selection, the Barboy Royal House will present the candidate to the Bakana Chiefs Council. That anyone who is aggrieved by his installation should look for a proper avenue to ventilate his or her anger and not to cause unnecessary panic or chaos in the community.

The new King applauded the security agents stationed in the community, expressing joy that they have brought peace into the community especially during his installation as the Amanyanabo of Bakana.

The monarch had earlier commended Governor Nyesom Wike for bringing development into the area, particularly the massive renovation of the modern Obama High School, Bakana, which he noted that after its completion would facilitate the educational development of the community.

The new monarch also lauded Gov Wike for placing the interests of Rivers people above self which according to him, has produced visible landmark achievements across the 23 Local Government Areas of the State.

The new Amayanabo of Bakana enumerated some of these achievements by Gov Wike to include:  The Ogbunabali land reclamation and dredging project, building of the national industrial court, renovation of the dilapidated Court of Appeal complex, the new Federal High Court building, the Judges' quarters and the new ultra-modern NBA Secretariat.

Others are the Okuru, Woji, Akpajo Roads with link bridges, the Elelenwo, Akpajo roads (former Old Aba Road) project, Okrika internal link roads (spanning several kilometers), construction of Creek Road, Bonny Street and other major roads in Port Harcourt Township, the ongoing construction of Old GRA/Forces Avenue Link Roads, prompt payment of Civil Servants (land and marine) to all the security agencies, Bakana Land reclamation and shore protection projects/ongoing building of modern Obama High School, Bakana, Degema Local Government Area of the State and other completed and ongoing projects too numerous to mention across the 23 Local Government Areas of the State.

Saturday 26 September 2020



The Nigeria Labour Congress on Friday insisted that it will go on with its planned mass action scheduled for Monday, September 28.

In a communique by its General Secretary, Comrade Emmanuel Ugboaja, the NLC asked its members across the nation to come out in large numbers to protest the increase in fuel and electricity prices.

The order was given despite a fresh court order obtained by the Federal Government, barring the NLC and the Trade Union Congress from embarking on their planned strike scheduled to commence on Monday.

In the statement by Comrade Emmanuel Ugboaja, NLC asked all National Leadership of affiliates in Abuja to mobilize atleast 2000 of their members to Unity Fountain, Abuja for the mass rally which takes off at 7am.

Also, affiliates are expected to mobilise the same number of members to the NLC Sub-Secretariat, 29, Olajuwon Street, Yaba, Lagos, which is the take-off point for the Lagos action at 7am also.

The NLC Secretary also noted that all Presidents and General Secretaries are expected to lead and identify with their members at the take-off point.

Reverse fuel, electricity price, or?
Earlier in September, Organised Labour threatened to embark on a nationwide strike if the Federal Government refuses to reverse the recent increases in fuel and electricity tariff.

Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) President, Ayuba Wabba while making the announcement in Abuja said the NLC’s central working committee (CWC) has resolved to issue a two-week ultimatum to the Federal Government to reverse the increase.

He said workers and Nigerians are disappointed that the government decided to increase both the price of fuel and electricity tariff at a time “other countries across the world are giving palliatives to their citizens to cushion the effect of COVID-19.”

“NLC central committee will also mobilise its members, civil society allies, and other social partners to resist this policy because it has driven many into poverty,” Wabba added.

Ahead of the threat by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) to resort to industrial action, the Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF) held an emergency meeting of all the governors.